How to Give an Erotic Pussy Massage

Hi, It is Rob again and I have another SUPER EXCITING tool in store for you today! We will be speaking about PUSSY MASSAGE – otherwise called also yoni massage.

We have already spoken about fingering but pussy massage is LITTLE BIT different. As the name suggests – pussy massage - is – A MASSAGE! There is NO end goal of bringing your partner to orgasm.  This practice focuses on offering your partner space where she can fully relax and receive pleasure.

Pussy massage is a tool that will bring variety to your bedroom – it will deepen the connection between you and your partner – and it will broaden your skills as lover.

So how do you actually do it?

I will talk you through everything you need to know now.  We will cover what you do to prepare for the massage, then 5 steps to the massage itself – and what do you do after with some pointers about things to pay attention to. Once we are done, you will be ready to bring pussy massage to your bedroom with confidence and ease.

Are you ready?

Here we go!


There are TWO things you want to do before you even get your partner in the space.

Firstly - as in any massage - you want to create an environment that allows your partner to relax and fully go into a receiving mode.  You also need enough space for your partner to lie down and for you to sit in between her legs. You can set up on the bed with a towel underneath her, on the coach or simply on the floor. Just put a mat down and make it softer with cushions.

Be aware also about temperature of the room, lighting and music. Every detail can help your partner relax even deeper if set properly. So make sure that the room is warm enough for her to get naked.  We are wearing some clothes in the video here to show you all the techniques, but AT HOME, you want to be naked. Also put on some candles for intimate lighting and play some relaxing music.

Secondly - take a second to set an INTENTION. What do you want to bring into the space? What do you want her to experience? Having clarity in your mind will create more space for you to be present in the moment.

Once you have done that, you are ready to move to the massage itself. Here are the 5 steps to MIND-BLOWING pussy massage!


It might seem we are starting very soft and believe it is on purpose. Woman’s body takes a bit longer to warm up so by including few extra steps, you are helping her to relax deeper and also to increase her receptivity. So that once you get to the massage, her body will be aroused and fully open to the experience.

Invite your woman into the space and ask her to lie down.  Allow her to make herself comfortable and sink in. Then place your left hand on her heart and right hand on her lower belly. Take a moment and just feel her body under your hands. Let go of your thoughts and be FULLY present in the moment. Take couple of minutes to do that.


Including the whole body into the massage will bring your partner’s body to life and she will respond to every touch. 

You can use some massage oil here already. I recommend virgin coconut oil. Get some on your hands and start on her belly. Use your both hands and move up over her chest on the outside of her arms, then back on the inside and down over her hips. Repeat this circular motion several times, applying different speed and pressure so the whole experience is exciting. Eventually include her legs as well – so when you are going down her hips go all the way down her legs on the outside and back up on the inside. Again, repeat several times.

For extra impact, even run your hands through her hair every now and then.

Her body should be fully responsive, aroused and asking for more.

And that is when you move to STEP 3 – THE VULVA MASSAGE.

The vulva is the outer part of the female genitals. It includes the opening of the vagina, outer labia, inner labia and the clitoris.

This area is very sensitive so you want to be gentle and also use a lubricant. Put some on your hands and on her vulva before you start massaging.

Start by caressing the whole area with light touch until you get specifically to the clitoris. Take some time here because clitoris is extremely sensitive. It has 8000 nerve endings – DOUBLE compared to the penis. So draw small circles around it - stroke slowly up and down - and play with the pressure you apply.

Another INCREDIBLE stroke is taking your whole palm and placing it over the vulva with her clitoris being at the center of your palm. Move your hand in slow circles and just allow your partner to enjoy all the sensations. There are lots of erogenous zones in this area so she will love it.

Keep in mind though, that orgasm IS NOT THE GOAL here. So if she starts to get too aroused, simply slow down and give her space to calm down little bit.


Here you will move your attention to the inner and outer lips of her vagina. Start massaging the area with slow and gentle moves. You are at the gateway of her pussy and this part will allow you to feel whether she is ready to take you in. If you have done all the previous steps and your partner is aroused, when you touch her labia, she will start drawing you in naturally with her pelvic muscles.

If that does not happen YET, go back to full body massage and the vulva massage and give her more time to open up.

If she draws you in, you are getting to the last step and technique we will cover today – STEP NUMBER 5 – the G-SPOT MASSAGE.

When you enter her with your fingers, take your time going deeper with every stroke. Allow yourself to explore until you reach her G-spot. It is a small spongy area on the upper wall of her vagina – that means the wall between her vagina and her belly. The G-spot is located about 2 inches inside of the vagina.

You can use various strokes here

  • Press the G-spot as a button, up and down
  • Use a circular motion around the G-spot
  • Or use the forward motion – use two fingers and stroke from the back towards yourself over her G-spot
  • You can also bring an extra something by placing your left hand on her lower belly and massaging it whilst you keep stroking her G-spot with your right hand


It is pretty straightforward, isn’t it?

To make you EVEN MORE confident, I have 3 things to do and keep in mind.


Did you ever have a 5 minutes massage? It is way too short to fully relax. You just keep wanting more. So keep that in mind and take your time. I would recommend to you to give at least an hour to do the whole massage. You will be SURPRISED by how fast the time goes!


You don’t want to disturb her experience and be all chatty. But don’t be also too shy. Ask for feedback, check in how she feels and use it to make her experience even better as you will know where she is at.

AND LASTLY, BE AWARE that women can react VERY DIFFERENTLY to pussy massage. The vaginal walls are super sensitive and can store trauma and emotions.  Often your woman will be aroused during the massage but sometimes you can touch a spot that will make her feel anger, sadness or frustration. She might start crying or even screaming.

Remember, this has NOTHING to do with YOU. She is having an emotional release and you are ACTUALLY helping her. Keep doing what you are doing and just give her time to let it all go. Under every pain, there is stored pleasure. So one moment she might be screaming out loud and the next moment she will start moaning because she is having an incredible orgasm as she transformed the pain into pleasure. It is ALL NORMAL.

And that brings me to the last part of the pussy massage – THE AFTER CARE.

When you stop massaging, allow your partner some space to absorb the whole experience. Especially, if she went through emotional release she might feel very vulnerable. Give her time to integrate, stay close by, ask her for what she needs. She might want to be hugged or just have you lying next to her.  Be there for her.

And THIS IS IT. Now it is your time to shine. You know plenty to go and do your first pussy massage.

Just set the space up, set your intention, follow the 5 steps we talked about and allow for integration. Take your time, be gentle and just enjoy it!

If YOU will love it, SHE will love it TOO.


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